Saturday, February 2, 2008

Gotta start somewhere

Here it is - the Saturday before Lent starts - already!

As I stand here typing this first blog-post for our newest online presence, I'm looking out at a busy bookcenter. There's a woman looking over the liturgical workbooks, a fellow browsing the church documents (he has a couple of JP II encyclicals in his hand), a family casing out the inexpensive holy doo-dads (and trying to keep an enthusiastic 3 year old from pull every holy card out of its slot); a twenty-something looking through the Bibles and one of our regulars picking out a Lenten devotional.

People from every walk of life, and every level of understanding and commitment to the Faith come through our doors. Something (or Someone!) draws them here.

It is a good place to start.

Sr. Sean

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